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How Special Anti-Poaching Units differ to traditional Anti-Poaching Units

Traditionally, the DNPW (Department of National Parks and Wildlife) use a conventional style of anti poaching. However in 2013, GRI established the 'Special Anti-Poaching Unit' (SAPU) in partnership with DNPW. We currently support SAPU North out of Hook Bridge, Kafue National Park, and SAPUs South and KAZA out of Musa HQ, Kafue National park.

What’s the difference between conventional APU's and SAPU?

Conventional APU

APU Rangers use a method called Petal Patrol in which they set up camp at a particular drop off point – usually near water – and walk outward as far as they can, then back, in one day. While this conventional method provides a law enforcement presence, it requires a lot of manpower, and only intercepts poachers by chance, proving to be relatively inefficient. In order to effectively cover the area of the Kafue National Park through this method, a much larger number of APU’s would need to be established in the area.

Kafue National Park


GRI’s Special Anti-Poaching Unit is an intelligence led rapid response unit. A key part in the rapid response is the Ranger’s ability to move towards the problem that needs to be solved. Additionally, the use of cars eliminates the on-foot threat of wild animals to the Rangers.

Another key part of the SAPU structure is the establishment of informer networks – local community members who are willing to share information that becomes intelligence*. Community members are given a bonus if the intelligence they have given GRI leads to an apprehension or a recovery. This method had proven to be highly effective within a short amount of time when first established in 2013 and has been operating ever since.

* intelligence: information becomes intelligence once it can be acted upon


Contributors: Sport Beattie (Founder & CEO)


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