GEt Involved
We aim to secure Zambia's wildlife and wild spaces by providing valuable educational experiences for young people. We believe that by inspiring their young minds, immersing them in nature and surrounding them with positive role models, we can help create a generation which will make beneficial decisions for wildlife and wild spaces. You can support this initiative by visiting the facility, donating much-needed gifts-in-kind or sponsoring a Discovery Day.
Sponsor a School For a Day
At Wildlife Discovery Centre, we are dedicated to providing children with a unique learning experience through conservation education. Our program includes a full day of activities, such as an exploratory walking safari and a visit to our Elephant Nursery. Find out more below.

DIscover Lusaka National Park
Support an Elephant Orphan
With your support... we can continue to rescue, rehabilitate, release and
research wild animals affected by human activity

Provide an elephant orphan with specialised milk for one week

Provide a GPS unit for mapping released elephants

Equip one wildlife ranger with metal toe safety boots essential for walking among elephants)

Remotely monitor released orphans & wild elephants through a camera trap.

Provide a 2-way radio, essential for field based communications